A pre 2004 teacher is someone who started teaching in a NSW school before 1 October 2004 and has not had a break from teaching for five or more years.
From 1 January 2018, all teachers must be accredited to continue, return to, or start teaching in a NSW school. This is a new requirement for pre 2004 teachers. So, if you were employed in a NSW school before 1 October 2004 and have not had a break of more than five years away from teaching, it is almost time to engage in the accreditation process.
In recognition of the knowledge and skills that pre 2004 teachers have already demonstrated, you will be granted full accreditation at Proficient Teacher level from 1 January 2018. This will allow you to move immediately into your first accreditation maintenance phase.
This process means NESA is currently working with NSW education employers (Department of Education, Catholic Education Commission NSW and the Association of Independent Schools of NSW) to capture all pre 2004 employees into their system. Make sure you have your Working With Children Check clearance up to date and be prepared to provide this to your employer when asked.
NESA will then send all pre 2004 teachers an induction pack including account activation information over the coming months. Don’t ignore any correspondence – email or old fashioned post – from NESA. Open it, read it and call the IEU if you need clarification.
If you have not heard from NESA by 1 September 2017, they have asked teachers to email them at: pre2004enquiries@nesa.nsw.edu.au to confirm your accreditation status.
You don’t need to set up your own account as NESA will establish an account for you in consultation with your employer(s).
Further information is available from the NESA website: