In the last few weeks a large number of Multi Enterprise Agreements (MEAs) negotiated by the IEU have been approved by the Fair Work Commission.
Almost all independent schools are now covered by new enterprise agreements for both teachers and support staff.
AIS schools
There are three new Teacher MEAs and two new Support and Operational Staff MEAs applying to staff in over 300 Association of Independent Schools (AIS) schools. The MEAs all commenced from around the end of March and will remain in force until the end of 2020.
Improvements in the Teacher MEAs include:
• pay rises of 2.3% in 2017 and 2.5% in 2018, 2019 and 2020 (with backpay from the February 2017)
• personal/carer’s leave – the new model provides for a lower annual entitlement but with unlimited accrual and more flexibility. Special leave of one day per year will now also be available to meet a scheduled family commitment where the timing is beyond the control of the teacher. New more flexible rules apply for the proof of illness – evidence will not be required for the first three days of personal/carer's leave taken in a calendar year and generally for absences on sick leave for two days or less
• support for teachers seeking Proficient Teacher accreditation – schools will need to be more specific in advising teachers of any problem areas by the fourth term of the teacher’s second year of teaching
• overseas service - from 2017 teachers who have had teaching service in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada and New Zealand will have such service automatically counted for the purposes of classification.
Improvements in the Support and Operational Staff MEAs include:
• pay rises of 2.5% in each year 2017 – 2020 (with bigger increases for some groups)
• ordinary hours and shift penalties - these provisions have been tightened so if you work outside normal office hours, on weekends or in two shifts a day, you may be entitled to additional pay
• new allowances – there are new sleepover allowances for boarding house staff and nurses required to sleep over at work but who are not provided with their own accommodation; a first aid allowance for child care workers required to administer first aid and a tools allowance for qualified tradespersons required to provide their own tools of trade
• casual employees - all casual employees will now receive a loading of 25%.
Catholic independent schools
Two new Teacher MEAs applying to about 30 Catholic independent schools (Model B and Model C) have been approved by the Fair Work Commission. These MEAS provide increases of 2.5% per annum from 2017-2019 and improved support for teachers seeking Proficient Teacher accreditation. As at the date of publication the Teachers (Model A) MEA applying to seven schools and the Support and Operational Staff MEAs are awaiting approval.
Further information
Further information about the EA applying to your school is available from the IEU website. Please do not hesitate to contact your IEU organiser if you have any questions.