A decade putting teachers first

It is important BOSTES hear from those actually working with children and not just those administering teachers.

After a decade dedicated to representing teachers’ needs to BOSTES, Dayle Costello has decided its time to step aside.

A coordinator at St Rose Catholic Primary School at Collaroy Plateau, Dayle has loved seeing the bigger picture during her years as IEU Rep to the BOSTES Primary Curriculum Committee.

She was invited to become the Rep when she was on the IEU’s Education Issues Committee in 2006.

During her tenure there were unprecedented changes to the primary curriculum and Dayle said it has been exciting to be part of that.

“Being involved in how the consultation took place, how that led into the development of syllabus, how those changes were communicated to the different sectors and how best to support them in understanding the essence of the curriculum was great,” Dayle said.

“I got a much deeper understanding of how BOSTES operates and the amount of consultation that happens to ensure everyones’ voices were being heard.

“We got right down to the nuances of a single word in the curriculum and whether that would promote the right message to teachers.”

Dayle and the NSW Teachers Federation Rep were the only teachers’ voices on the committee, so they played an important role.

“I made sure I raised the profile of members and their interests and issues around workload, professional learning and support, assessment and reporting.

“I wanted to make sure the committee were aware of the difficulties and challenges faced by teachers.

“It is important BOSTES hears from those actually working with children and not just those administering teachers.”

The process was a two way street, because while Dayle communicated the needs of teachers to the committee, she reported back to the Union on BOSTES initiatives and new directions.

“BOSTES is keen to reach out to everybody, teachers and universities, to make sure everyone is in the same place. The IEU is a good way for them to reach a lot of teachers.”

Dayle has studied educational leadership and is interested in seeing schools not as “isolated silos” but influenced by factors outside education.

“I like to see how the big issues translate back to the coalface, and this committee allowed me to see connections and further my understanding of different perspectives.”

Dayle has decided to move on to allow someone else the opportunity.

“It’s a well supported group and opinions are valued. If you go into it with an open mind and open heart and look for opportunities to support members, it will be a great experience.”

Sue Osborne