The terms of reference for the recently announced review of the BOSTES are a serious cause for concern for teachers who fear their voices on the BOSTES itself, on the QTC and on syllabus committees could be silenced.
This 'Newsmonth' edition celebrates the consultative approach teacher unions and the BOSTES (previously the Board of Studies) have had for decades but teachers fear the NSW Government is preparing to follow the Federal Government’s lead where the AITSL Board was restructured to remove teachers and teacher unions.
The IEU will make strong representations to retain the representative structure of the BOSTES, to strengthen the role of teacher practitioners in curriculum matters and to move towards teachers owning their own profession in matters of accreditation by even greater representation on the QTC.
“There is a real possibility that the solid position of NSW education, including the credibility of the HSC as a well respected school exit credential could be jeopardised by misguided recommendations from this committee,” Secretary John Quessy said.
“As a stakeholder, we will make an extensive submission but we are aware of vested interests who will be seeking to seize control of curriculum, in particular for their own ends”.