Early childhood accreditation
The Union has run over 30 information sessions around NSW in the past month. We were determined to bring information to as many towns around NSW as possible, as well as offer an online session for all. The sessions have been extremely well attended. The level of questions and specifics we were able to hear directly from our members has informed the IEU’s response to BOSTES.
The IEU submitted a comprehensive response to the BOSTES consultation paper regarding accrediting early childhood (EC) teachers in 2016. In late November, the Union met with several senior officers from BOSTES for further input and clarification.
The IEU had asked two groups of EC teachers to get in contact:
•those who are early intervention (EI) teachers, and
•those who are working in a centre attached to a school.
The Union heard from teachers in both settings from around the state, and we thank our members for spreading the word via their professional networks that we were looking for case studies.
Early intervention teachers
The Union has fought hard for the inclusion of EI teachers in the accreditation scheme. At the point of writing, BOSTES have indicated that their draft policy is capable of including most EI teachers.
EI teachers who are engaged with a service (this does not necessarily mean employed by the service – it can be consultancy or working with the service but funded by an outside agency) should be able to seek accreditation at Proficient according to the current draft policy.
The group that is not explicitly covered by the draft are EI teachers who are never engaged with a service. This might include those that work exclusively with children in their homes, mobile services, or as part of charities (with no connection to centres/services).
The Union will seek further clarity from BOSTES regarding the opportunity for EI teachers not engaged with a service to be accredited at Proficient alongside their centre-based colleagues. If you are in this situation, contact us: accreditation@ieu.asn.au
EC teachers attached to schools
There has been confusion regarding the accreditation process of EC teachers employed in long day care or preschools attached to schools – specifically where the centre is the same incorporated business as the school.
The IEU objected to this group of teachers being treated differently to their colleagues in non school based centres/services.
The Union highlighted that the proposed policy requiring EC teachers attached to schools to undertake accreditation as a beginning teacher would breach the Act.
In good news, this requirement has been dropped for early childhood teachers working in non-goverment sector schools. This means that all IEU members in centres attached to schools will be able to seek accreditation at Proficient if they were employed as an early childhood teacher in the five years before the proclamation date, or between 1 January 2016 to 30 September 2016.
New graduates employed in school based centres after the date of proclamation may still need to undergo accreditation as beginning teachers.
The IEU will watch to see if this new position will be written into policy and endorsed by BOSTES’s Quality Teaching Council.
We encourage you to get in touch for clarification about your situation: accreditation@ieu.asn.au
Qualified EC teachers working in Diploma positions
There is a lack of clarity regarding the eligibility of teachers not practising in teaching positions to attain and maintain Proficient accreditation. If you are an early childhood teacher who is employed in a Diploma or Certificate position, please email your details and a brief description of your circumstance to accreditation@ieu.asn.au. We are looking for case studies to discuss with BOSTES.
Pre October 2004 school teacher accreditation
In 2015, the Union has been extremely active advocating on behalf of the non accredited teaching cohort. Great progress has been made, but the current BOSTES consultation policy is still not tight enough for the Union’s liking.
Specifically, the Union wants it to be absolutely clear in the BOSTES policy that accreditation at Proficient for pre October 2004 teachers will be a recognition process. The Union advocates that teachers who have worked in primary and secondary settings, as well as teaching qualified consultants and advisors at head offices, should be recognised as Proficient. There should not be additional hoops to jump through, or scare tactics used by employers regarding the 2018 date.
When BOSTES has finalised its policy, the IEU will run information sessions around the state for pre October 2004 teachers regarding accreditation in 2018.