The IEU has reached ‘in principle’ agreement with the Archdiocese of Sydney for a one year enterprise agreement (EA) for principals in Catholic systemic schools. The Union anticipates that the proposed EA will go to the vote before the end of the school year.
The proposed EA includes a new approach to salaries and classifications with a significant step towards parity between primary and secondary school principals’ salaries based on enrolments.
It delivers superior salary outcomes, particularly in the longer period. Some principals would also receive significant increases immediately. The proposed EA also incorporates a number of long standing Union claims.
The principal’s salary is based on the school enrolment band with progression between steps within each enrolment band on the basis of the principal’s contract. The Sydney CEO structure is an initial two year contract (the first step) with contract renewal for a further four years (second step) followed by an additional four year contract (third step).
The model provides that salary levels will be adjusted when an existing principal moves between schools. In the eighth year of appointment at a particular school, discussions would occur concerning the next school appointment.
No current principal will be worse off and all existing principals will receive at least the 2.5% increase in January 2016.
The proposal includes the following features:
•remuneration that recognises principals’ experience – progression through salary levels within enrolment bands on the basis of contract renewal terms
•access to professional resources such as phones and laptops to be contained in the EA
•arrangements relating to principals’ renewal leave
•the flow through of personal/carer’s leave and other conditions recently settled for teachers, and
•the inclusion of casual principals’ rates as well as references to casual principals in the EA.
During the life of the EA the parties will discuss how principals can attain lead or highly accomplished status and receive appropriate additional allowances.
The IEU is pursuing similar outcomes for principals in other NSW and ACT dioceses. As a first step, we anticipate an administrative payment of 2.5% to NSW principals to enable discussions to continue early in 2016. The quantum of the payment to ACT principals is still under discussion.