IEU members teaching Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects, particularly tourism, travel and hospitality, are seeking urgent clarification relating to the provision of the above subjects in school subject selections for 2016 and beyond.
The second draft of a training package, developed by Service Skills Australia, will in all likelihood diminish the availability of VET subjects in the school curriculum.
Central to teacher dissatisfaction is that industry groups support and endorse three years recent industry experience.
To mandate recent industry experience is to stymie the function of schools. To assume that teachers cannot teach and assess a particular course is unproductive.
University qualifications supplemented by industry ‘training’ is devalued in favour of “assessors having a working knowledge of industry in order to make the final decision as to the competency of the learner”.
The Union understands that employer delegates are opposed to the proposal. The IEU has formally contacted the Catholic Education Commission seeking a statement of support for teachers.
Put simply, industry needs are being advanced in a manner that is unwarranted and unnecessary. The Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package will be submitted to the Department of Education and Communities this month.
The IEU trusts the situation will be resolved and that schools and students will not be disadvantaged. See the IEU website for updates.