The IEU continues to honour its loyal and long-serving members in workplaces all over NSW and the ACT with 30-year badges.
IEU 30 years
Congratulations - members receive their 30 year badges from IEU organisers

Clockwise from top left:
Les Porter of Edmund Rice College Wollongong, a former IEU organiser of 15 years
Left to right: Lionel Conroy , Michael Hewitt and IEU Organiser Steve Bergan at John Paul College Coffs Harbour
Amanda Wilson and Brigid Davis St Joseph’s Albion Park and IEU Organiser Valerie Jones
Tanya Toohey of Christian Brothers High School Lewisham with Organiser Donna Widdison
Danuta Pazas of St Pauls College Kempsey and IEU Organiser Steve Berga
David Lewis of St Joseph’s Regional College Port Macquarie
Paul McGuire St Mary’s Primary Manly and IEU Organiser Megan Bruce