NESA’s failed website, eTAMs, has negatively impacted the ability of teachers returning after a leave of absence of over six months to reactivate their accreditation. In addition, early career teachers who are attempting to create their accounts on NESA eTAMs for the first time have been frustrated by its lack of functionality.
Returning teachers who want to start work should email with the subject line ‘Returning early from Leave of Absence’.
If you are a preservice teacher, and a student member of the IEU, let us know if you are having trouble creating an account with NESA. The Union is trying to gauge the size of this problem email
Documentary screening night a success
The IEU has screened the documentary Most Likely To Succeed twice now as part of a reinvigorated professional development program.
The course has been attended by members in Auburn and Ultimo and will be coming to Canberra and Newcastle in Semester 2.
The documentary explores project based learning strategies as tried by a charter school in the USA. It is used as stimulus material for a robust professional discussion between participants regarding the purpose of education, how best to teach students and the importance of tenure and secure employment from year to year.
These sessions are free and an ideal opportunity to bring a non member along to join the Union on the night. This course is NESA Registered for IEU members only.
To book, go to or email today.
Student anxiety PD on the way
In Term 4, the IEU will be hosting Understanding Student Anxiety courses in Canberra, Castle Hill, Liverpool, Ultimo and online. These will be free and NESA Registered for IEU members only.
The presenter, Jessie Booth, is a psychologist who has published and presented research on the psychology of resilience and coping strategies in young people.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problems experienced by young Australians. About half of people with anxiety experience their first symptoms by the age of 11 years. Depression, self harm and suicidal behaviour are common co morbid symptoms of anxiety. This phenomenon alone brings to light the responsibility of professionals working with this cohort and the need for them to be aware of the first signs that a young person is in distress.
The presentation will explore what anxiety is and which life factors can contribute to the development of these symptoms. This is essential in being able to recognise them alongside identifying strategies to support them. We’ll discuss how to access to professional help and treatment and how to normalise this step for a distressed young person.
To book, go to or email today.