To state the bleeding obvious, it’s Term 4. How did we get here?
In trying to complete registers and evaluations punctually (I’m failing), reflecting on of teaching practices and strategies becomes second nature; we do this instinctively or consciously when we walk out of class.
But what about reflecting on the other aspects of life? Where’s the proforma for this? So much happens that it is astounding when things get done when they do.
In looking back on the union’s work in the last few months, things are getting done or have been completed. There are still outstanding issues with sectors – namely to progress the outcomes in Catholic independents schools around salary increases. The union is most successful when chapters create momentum to drive change in their schools. ‘Pester-power’, perhaps, is another way of seeing things.
In the recent past, the union has had significant influence in driving a reduction of teacher workloads. On 20 October, the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car provided the NESA Board with a Statement of Expectations. This is movement in the right direction for the teaching profession. Two standouts are:
Point one states – verbatim – “The administrative burden placed on teachers should be reduced as far as possible” and that any administrative work must be relevant and there should be a reason or a logical basis for this work to be completed.
Point two states “to avoid duplication, the creation of unnecessary work and any misunderstanding of what is actually required ... NESA should consider setting and communicating “maximum” requirements.” Let’s hope that the “should” becomes definitive in this document.
And so, the school year is coming to an end – and there’s so much still to do!
Members, keep up the great work in your respective workplaces and sectors!
You are doing great!