All eyes are on the early education and care (ECEC) sector regarding teacher salaries, after the much-awaited salary increases for government school teachers.
As other key systems follow with salary increases of their own, the gap has widened further between teacher salaries in ECEC settings and school teachers.
In a climate where the ECEC sector is suffering critical shortages of qualified teachers, the struggle will be felt even more. Will we continue to see our long-standing teachers and new graduates enticed to leave our ECEC settings for schools where the grass is so very much greener? How is this going to impact the children in the ECEC settings?
Preschool Outcomes Measure (POM)
A new trial program ‘Preschool Outcomes Measure’ (POM) is planned in 2025, a joint key reform across Australian states to monitor student outcomes the year before school in order to meet children’s continuous educational and developmental needs.
This targeted pilot initiative has followed the recent Productivity Commission Inquiry into Early Childhood Education, along with the Draft National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy.
The pilot program will be focusing on two key age/stage components:
- Executive function – relating to the abilities involved in planning and following instructions.
- Oral language and literacy – children’s, and communication abilities and creation through a variety of ‘languages’ (this is referring to the many ways a child can convey communication/ dialogue).