A recent meeting was held between the union and Catholic Commission on Employment Relations (CCER) to map out the workings of the Catholic Systemic Schools' Support Staff Working Party.
Tentative dates for the initial meeting are scheduled for February, with the timetable of further meetings to be established at that time. The working party will undertake its work during Terms 1 and 2, 2021.
The Terms of Reference provide for a total of 10 people to be appointed to the working party. The CCER will having four representatives from across the 11 dioceses and an officer from the CCER as standing members. They will confirm the individual appointments over time.
The Union is proposing to appoint two industrial officers, a representative of the Branch Executive and two nominated representatives as standing members of the Working Party.
It is anticipated the meetings will be organised around the occupational groupings, with the working party undertaking direct consultation and input from representative employees and others at its meetings.
Prior to the initial meeting, the union and CCER will develop an agreed briefing paper and other material for the members of the working party.
The consultations and work that has been undertaken by our members to date is an essential component in this process. It allows for the nature and extent of the work undertaken in school administration and learning support roles to be fully appreciated.
If you would like to discuss how you can participate, please contact your organiser or email Carolyn Moore: carolyn@ieu.asn.au