The IEU is a strong and growing union of teachers in early childhood education, primary schools and high schools, support staff of all kinds and student teachers. As of January 2021, we have a total of 32,267 members in NSW and the ACT.
Teachers: 26,868 (Jan 2020: 26,113)
Support staff: 4825 (Jan 2020: 4521)
Trainees and apprentices: 4
Students: 570
The figures above also include:
First-year-out teachers: 344
Principals: 577
Teachers in English Language Colleges (ELICOS): 313
Teachers in early childhood centres: 1261
Catholic Education Office staff and education consultants: 581
The IEU always welcomes new members. Please encourage your colleagues to join the union that represents the industrial rights and professional interests of employees in the non-government education sector.