At the IEU, we’re always fighting for a better future. Here our executive and officers share their wish lists for 2021.
Mark Northam Secretary, IEUA NSW/ACT Branch
My hopes for 2021:
• that legislated superannuation increases proceed in July
• that pay increases for Catholic systemic support staff (commensurate with Public Service Association increases for support staff in government schools) are successfully negotiated
• that the Association of Independent Schools steps up and rebuilds the multi-enterprise agreement
• that overseas students can return to English colleges
• that our Equal Remuneration Order case for teachers in early childhood comes to fruition and our partnership with Thrive by Five (reforming Australia’s early learning system) flourishes, and
• and finally, that COVID-19 vaccinations proceed safely and swiftly.
Pam Smith Assistant Secretary
I hope to see greater workplace justice, equity and inclusion for our members in their workplaces and beyond. Hopefully 2021 will bring a successful outcome in our Equal Remuneration Order case for early childhood teachers and also that support staff in schools gain the recognition and remuneration they deserve.
Jeff Pratt Organiser
My hopes for 2021:
• that support staff are finally recognised for their multi-faceted roles and their wages and conditions are lifted to reflect their expanding responsibilities, and
• that more people realise the importance of being in a union and join the collective voice we need to challenge what is unjust.
Marilyn Jervis Organiser
I hope Scott Morrison calls an early election and Labor wins!
Dave Towson Organiser
My hopes for 2021:
• that the government matches its rhetoric on the value of workers with a commitment to award fair and decent pay rises
• to visit chapters in person and get to know the reps and members across the North West and Central West Sub Branches
• that more and more support staff join their union and the IEU’s campaign for wage parity with their counterparts in government schools is successful
• that members in independent schools engage in campaigns for proper pay rises to address work intensification and to secure a new multi-enterprise agreement
• that members in those independent schools that are not party to a union-negotiated agreement work with their IEU Organiser to rectify this
• that worldwide carbon emissions trend downward at an increasing rate.
Lyn Caton Organiser
I hope that the national union movement will unite and rally to defeat the looming omnibus legislation – it poses a major threat to workers’ rights across Australia. Together we stand strong.
Michael Wright Industrial Officer
I hope some of the more backward employers in the non government sector will embrace the role of the independent umpire (the Fair Work Commission) in settling disputes with employees (as represented by the IEU). To do otherwise lets disputation in the workplace fester and foments distrust.
Sue McKay Organiser
I returned to work in January to find that NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet had awarded the CEO of iCare, the state’s embattled workers’ compensation insurer, a massive pay rise of $120,000 – while nurses, paramedics, teachers and other public sector workers are subject to a pay freeze or minimal increases. My hope is that these workers gain the recognition they deserve.
James Jenkins-Flint Organiser
I hope to develop the relevance of the union in the minds of members, and that membership density will further increase and members will see the power they hold as the collective.
Berna Simpson Organiser
I’m hoping that the amazing people working in schools and in the early childhood sector who went above and beyond to carry out effective COVID-19 responses in education in 2020 are able to use their new skills, experiences and perspectives to better contribute to decisions about their work and education in general.
Patrick Devery Professional Officer
The unwarranted and unreasonable limitations imposed by NESA’s revised professional development and accreditation policies will prove challenging for schools and systems. The IEU will work hard to ensure teachers and support staff continue to receive high-quality, relevant PD that doesn’t add to their workloads.
Lubna Haddad Organiser
I hope to see Australia’s moral compass return so we can heal the pain of our First Australians, respect our elders, protect our children, shelter our homeless, nurture our environment and welcome those who need our help. As a union organiser I will continue fighting for our members and ensuring their professionalism, health and safety are at the forefront of school and government decision making.
Helen Gregory Teacher Exchange Coordinator
I hope the IEU’s teacher exchange program to the United States and Canada may survive and thrive by 2025.
Tell us your goals for 2021 and we’ll print them in the next edition of Newsmonth, email