Membership news

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed a restful, if not slightly wet, holiday break after a year we’d all rather forget.

Thank you to all our members who have already returned their 2021 renewal. More than 3000 members have taken advantage of our annual discount rate so far. This discount rate is available until 8 February 2021, so you still have time. If you would like to take up the discount but cannot meet the deadline, please contact membership staff on 8202 8900 (press 1). We’re here until 5pm daily.

Just a reminder to those who pay through payroll deduction, if you would like to take up the discount rate, you need to advise your employer directly to stop deductions then contact the union to make payment. If you need assistance to renew, we are happy to help. Simply call us direct (see above) or email

Your membership fee is based on your working hours or full-time equivalent (FTE) so if this has changed in 2021 please let us know by returning the renewal, call us or email. We offer part-time, casual, unemployed and retired rates, as well as rates for parental leave and leave without pay – but we won’t know unless you advise us. To ensure you are not overcharged or under-covered, please contact us to check we have the right information for you.

We also need to ensure your details are up to date so you can vote in IEU elections.

Elections for IEU Council are currently underway and we want to ensure everyone receives notices to vote.

We also want to offer our members the best shopping discounts and lifestyle benefits, so in 2021 we’ve teamed up with Australia’s largest union-owned member benefit program, Union Shopper. With more than 80 different benefits on offer – from whitegoods to insurance – remember to check them out if you’re thinking of making a purchase. These are available to you right now, and the IEU will email you in early February with more details and access information.

We’ll send our annual membership update to Chapter Reps in February. We ask all Reps to take the time to check the details we have for your chapter and return the update. If you are lucky enough to have more than one Rep in your chapter, please work together to complete the form but return only one copy. All Reps who return the update will receive a gift in appreciation for what we hope is a simple and relatively painless task.

We are delighted to report 4413 new members joined the IEUA NSW/ACT Branch in 2020. Taking into account those members who resigned from the IEU (usually due to retirement, career change or a move into the government sector), our branch grew by 2.1 percent in the 12 months to October 2020. Each sub branch and nearly all sectors experienced a growth in membership. We thank all Reps and members who encouraged a colleague to join their union.

Fewer student members joined in 2020 as study went online and we couldn’t visit universities. We encourage you to invite prac teachers to join the union – student membership is free.

Thank you for your support. We look forward to working with you in 2021.

Membership Team