The IEU thanks those principals who participated in the Principals’ Branch AGM at the Union’s new Parramatta office on 13 February.
Congratulations to Sidonie Coffey for being re-elected as Branch President, to Louise O’Sullivan for her election as Deputy President and to Des Fox and Jude Ryan for continuing in their job share role as Branch Secretary.
This year’s Branch Committee/reference group is Alan Le Brocque, Mark Pauschmann, Peter Galvin and Lou Single.
Meeting dates have been confirmed as 7 May, 6 August, 5 November and 11 February, 2017.
Highlights from the Branch meeting included input from long term IEU member Dr John Lee on his professional services in providing wellbeing advice and assistance for principals, a resolution of support for the Malek Fahd principal and staff, and an expression of concern for asylum seeker children in detention. In response to requests, the IEUA ‘Let them stay’ media release has been provided to Principals’ Branch members.
In regard to industrial matters, Catholic sector EA negotiations will continue with the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations (CCER) and the IEU looks forward to consultations with its members to achieve the best possible instrument to progress principals’ interests industrially, professionally and in relation to wellbeing.
While there is a one year principals’ EA in place in the Sydney Archdiocese for 2016, the IEU will also engage with archdiocesan principals to advance discussions for the future, noting the view of many principals that they would prefer to be covered by an inclusive NSW and ACT systemic principals’ EA.
All Catholic systemic principals should have received a 2.5% pay increase, as per other systemic staff, in January.
As well as Branch meetings, the IEU looks forward to meeting with principals at diocesan/sector level during 2016 and to being of support in promoting the interests of all principal members.