Enterprise Agreements (EAs) for both teachers and support staff in about 30 Catholic independent schools expire on 31 December this year. These schools are those covered by EAs described as Model B and Model C. Enterprise agreements in other Catholic independent schools do not expire until the end of 2020 and so members in those schools will not be covered by this claim.
Pay rises
The Union is seeking member endorsement for a pay claim of 2.75% each year, over three years, from January 2020 for teachers and support staff.
Conditions claims
Our conditions claim includes a number of improvements agreed in the bargaining for Catholic systemic schools in 2018 (well after the Catholic independent schools EAs were finalised). Other claims reflect agreed provisions applying in government schools.
Requirements for production of evidence should be more flexible – for example, schools should not be able to require medical certificates for single days of carer’s leave. The Union is also seeking a special leave day to meet a scheduled family commitment, where the timing of the commitment is beyond the control of the employee, for example, the graduation of a family member. This entitlement should exist in all schools.
Early career teachers
The IEU is seeking guaranteed release time for early career teachers and their mentors equivalent to 0.1 FTE (approximately 20 days per annum) until Proficient Accreditation is achieved.
Classification issues for teachers
The Union is seeking some improvements in the classification provisions applying to teachers that will assist experienced teachers who may not be treated as such under the standards pay model.
Long service leave parity for support staff with teachers
In line with our claim for support staff in Catholic systemic schools, the Union is seeking an increase in long service leave for support staff.
Sleepover allowance for support staff attending school camps
A sleepover allowance of $50 per night should apply to all support staff required to stay away on school camps or excursions.
Superannuation on parental leave
We have made a claim for employers to pay superannuation for employees for the 12-month period of parental leave.
Disputes procedure
The Union is calling for the dispute procedure in the EAs be updated so that if a dispute is referred to the Fair Work Commission, the Commission can rule on the dispute, not just make a recommendation.
Reportable conduct The right to inspect files relating to reportable conduct must be enhanced.