By now the vast majority of pre-2004 teachers should have received a kit from NESA containing a certificate declared them Proficient and an accreditation map. Details of how to maintain accreditation were also enclosed.
Notwithstanding the above, NESA has had significant technological complexities which have impacted members. Problems with incorrect addresses has also been an issue.
Importantly, pre-2004 teachers do not have to pay their NESA fee until invoiced. Members will have six weeks to pay after receiving the invoice. At this stage (given the problems NESA is experiencing with its website) it is unlikely invoices will arrive until toward the end of Term 1.
The Independent Education Union has been instrumental in refining the requirements to maintain accreditation, significantly:
• Principals will no longer have to validate teacher identified Professional Learning. Teachers will be required to complete 100 hours (50 hours is teacher identified and minimum of 50 hours should be NESA accredited PD) of professional learning in their maintenance period (five years for a full-time teacher and seven years for casuals or part timers).
• The requirements to submit a Maintenance of Accreditation Report at the end of each cycle has been abandoned. The TAA (a system of schools or an individual school) will determine if a teacher’s practice continues to meet the standards. These processes have a multiplicity of names, but will not create additional work for the teacher.
• Importantly - a teacher has to declare in the final three months of their maintenance period that they have maintained the Standards for Proficient Teachers. After the completion of the declaration, a teacher’s Teacher Accreditation Authority must attest that the teacher has maintained their practice against the Standards.
The Union will be providing updates to members regarding the status of the NESA website – electronic Teacher Accreditation Management System (eTAMs) to ensure members suffer no disadvantage and have up to date information available.