Regular readers of this column will be aware that for more than a decade it has reached far and wide in its scope of national and international news items all with a trade union flavour. Some might also be aware that my source for the majority of these stories is the LabourStart website The most prolific contributor to the Australian LabourStart page was committed trade unionist Andrew Casey.
Andrew, aged 64, collapsed and died suddenly in Sydney on 1 February. Among the thousands of tributes ACTU Secretary Sally McManus described Mr Casey’s death as “an immense loss to the union movement”. “Andrew was the kind of unionist we all aspire to be — he lived union values every day, giving his experience, his wisdom and his time to improve the lives of working Australians,” she said.
A former journalist, media adviser and political activist, Andrew spent his early career as a journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald, becoming well known as the paper’s industrial relations reporter and later served as education reporter. He went on to the ACTU in 1988 as its inaugural media officer when Bill Kelty was the organisation’s secretary and served under successive ACTU presidents Simon Crean and Martin Ferguson as the man behind them as public spokesmen for the organisation.
In recent years Andrew retired but he remained committed to online reporting for international labour networks. He will be remembered as a true believer who was devoted to trade unionism and human rights causes. (Source: The Australian)