Window to another world

World Youth Day in 2008 did what it was intended to do, at least at Murwillumbah.

Mt St Patrick’s College formed a connection with St Mary’s Tanaghai Primary and Bishop Epalle High School in the Solomon Islands after World Youth Day, and have been taking part in a mutually beneficial exchange program ever since.

Groups of students and teachers have visited the Solomon Islands in 2010 and 2012, with the most recent group returning on 7 August this year.

IEU Council delegate Jeffrey Pratt has been over to the Islands five times, sometimes using his own leave time to set up things ready for the students.

“The Solomon Islands Immersion Program is about developing relationships. We learn from them and they learn from us. The students that come to Australia see a new world and I think the students that go to the Solomon’s come back with a new appreciation of what they have,” Jeff said.

As well as a cultural exchange, the Australian visitors have provided practical help in the form of new reading corners with shelving in the primary school, improved toilet facilities in the high school, a new playground and freshly painted classrooms and science equipment.

Fundraising allows students from the Solomon Islands to visit, and a book drive saw a large number of books shipped over to populate the new reading corners.

As a Union activist Jeff said fighting for improvements for teachers ultimately benefits students, and this philosophy applies to his work with the Union and the Solomon Islands.

Jeff and his fellow teachers Narelle Sherrah and Louise Shields said the Solomon Islands community had responded with “love and support”.

‘We have to thank the community y of Bishop Epalle, St Mary's and the Tanaghai parish for always making us feel so welcome,” he said.