Don’t miss IE magazine

We invite all members to enjoy the second edition of IE magazine for 2024, packaged with this edition of Newsmonth.

Inside you can read about the remarkable young woman behind the Teach Us Consent campaign, Chanel Contos, on the role of education in ending gendered violence.

Then step inside a classroom on the Pacific Island nation of Kiribati and see how climate change is impacting schooling, as an inspiring teacher calls for union solidarity to address the global crisis.

Closer to home, unionist and electrician Raven Maris talks about how learning a trade changed her life and why we need to encourage more girls to follow suit.

Read about how a misogynistic influencer is radicalising some Australian schoolboys and the impact it is having on women teachers, as IEU members share their experiences.

We hear from four experts about closing the gap in educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, as they look at the way forward.

Then learn about your federal union — how it works, what it does, and how it supports you.

This edition is packed with more great reads including how ‘wellness’ programs can be toxic, plus the many ways neurodivergent staff enrich schools. Remember, reading IE may count towards your PD.