Applications for the NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships are open until Sunday 28 April 2019.
The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships provide $10,000 or $15,000 for a five-week study tour within Australia or overseas.
The scholarships, funded by corporate supporters and private foundations, are open to teachers in non government schools and early childhood centres.
Scholarships are awarded in the year prior to the study tour.
The majority of scholarships are for school based teachers to explore best practice in their chosen subject area. The program aims to deliver significant outcomes for scholarship recipients, students, teacher colleagues and school communities.
The Premier’s Early Childhood Education Scholarship is available for early childhood teachers currently teaching in a NSW preschool, primary school or a TAFE NSW Campus. The scholarship supports the study of issues related to early childhood education.
The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships program is an initiative of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and administered by the NSW Department of Education.
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