The IEU has welcomed Labor’s commitment to making the largest investment in NSW history in early childhood education.
Labor’s promised $500 million dollar package to prioritise early education and preschool in NSW is long awaited. “The measures will increase access for children, arrest the drift away from early childhood education by University Qualified Teachers and give every child the best start possible”, said IEUA NSW/ACT Branch Secretary, John Quessy.
“NSW Labor leader Michael Daley and shadow Early Childhood Educator spokeswomen Kate Washington have demonstrated a keen eye and understanding of the needs in early childhood” said Quessy.
“Noteworthy is the inclusion of $18 million for ‘specialist early intervention’,” Quessy said “as well as recognition of the need for infrastructure to address crucial and critical service gaps.”
Industrial Officer Verena Heron said “The Union is particularly gratified to see Labor’s commitment to the provision of wages and the creation of a long awaited Ministerial Advisory Panel. The IEUA NSW/ACT will be pleased to participate and be part of this panel as the Union that represents teachers in centres and preschools throughout NSW and the ACT. “