I’m on my second exchange, this time living in Lethbridge, Alberta and working in Taber. I am having a fantastic time.
The weather has been challenging as it has been the coldest February in 83 years, but I must admit to still being in the novelty stage and enjoying the change of climate.
The extreme cold weather warnings have meant inside recess for a couple of weeks (down to -42 with wind chill is challenging).
There is a strong contingent of Aussies in Alberta from South Australia, Queensland and NSW.
We have had several opportunities to get together and share our school and living experiences.
I am working in a K-5 school in a rural area which is very different from my inner city Year 3-12 boys’ school.
Teaching Grade 2 is a professional change and the different curriculum takes you out of your comfort zone, which is a good thing.
Alberta is introducing a new curriculum – all KLAs simultaneously and I am desperately trying to get my head around it all ready for the new school year in September. That is if the next elections don’t bring in a new government.
Many exchange teachers have brought their families and have gone through the process of settling into new schools and very different routines.
Overall the stories are positive and often funny, especially when you face plant into the snow while snow shoeing.
I have discovered a local delicacy taco in a bag, a single serve pack of corn chips, scoop of mince add tomato, shredded lettuce, cheese, sour cream. Not bad, try it for yourself.
Bernadette Baker, IEUA NSW/ACT Vice President, Systemic Schools, on exchange in Alberta Canada