Seeking recognition for expanding roles

Catholic sector principal members have welcomed progress in the negotiations for an enterprise agreement (EA) for teachers and support staff and look forward to the recommencement of discussions in regard to the EA for principals.

In particular, principals seek recognition of the diverse and expanding nature of their roles, including the workload pressures noted in the 2014 ACU/Teachers Health Fund research project on the health, safety and wellbeing of principals and assistant principals.

IEU Principals Branch will consult with its Catholic systemic principal members in advancing the EA negotiations.

One of the IEU’s major focus areas is enhancing access to professional development and the Union is pleased to recommend the Teacher Learning Network of which the IEU is a member. Information on TLN has been provided at recent Principals’ Branch meetings and further details are at

Examples of TLN courses include Working with Challenging Parents and Being a Caring Teacher … with a Tough Class.

The IEU valued meeting with many principal members at the Securing Our Future Conference Best Practice Induction and Mentoring held on 21-22 May and looks forward to opportunities to follow up issues arising from that conference at school and/or system levels.

As in previous years, the IEU also welcomed the opportunity to support the Australian Catholic School Principals’ Conference which this year was held in Dubbo on 20-22 May. The Union provided a donation to the conference and a ‘best wishes’ letter to participants.

Input by IEU principal members has also been welcomed at the IEU women’s forums held in Newcastle on 12 May and in Gosford on 14 May. As previously noted, the contribution of Shoalhaven Region Anglican Schools Principal Lorrae Sampson was a highlight of the IEU women’s forum at Nowra in March.

IEU Principals’ Branch will hold its Term 2 meeting on 1 August at the Union’s Parramatta office and also looks forward to other opportunities to meet with its principal members across sectors at school, system or regional levels.

Pam Smith
Principals Organiser