The Government Schools Education Council and Non-Government Schools Education Councils are set to be abolished by the ACT Minister for Education Joy Burch.
They will be replaced by expert focus groups formed to advise the Minister as needed. The IEU has maintained a ministerial position on the Non-Government Schools Education Council since its inception in 2004.
The Union has expressed concern about the new arrangements which, by the nature of their intended governance, will become reactive rather than proactive.
Other proposed changes to the Education Act included modifying the definition of Critical Incident and Critical Incident compliance changes in regards to the identity of the school as Government or Non-Government.
There are major concerns that there will be Federal funding cuts the ACT Budget for schools.
Early learning centres
Early learning centre (ELC) staff in Catholic systemic schools are concerned about being left out of the current enterprise agreement negotiations.
Staff in those centres will continue to be covered by the current EA. Members in schools with an ELC should spread the word and encourage their ELC non-member colleagues to join the IEU. Contact your organiser if you have any questions or concerns.