The STI classification is a further progression step on the incremental salary scale. But teachers are required to make a formal application to be a STI.
There is a significant salary benefit in gaining STI status. Under the new Independent Schools (Teachers) Mutli - Enterprise Agreement 2015-2017 this means an additional $153.04 in your fortnightly pay. The higher rate is your base salary so also increases the amount of your annual leave loading and employer superannuation contributions, as well as access to higher (OOPs) payments in March and August 2015.
Over the full year of 2015 this adds up to an additional $4122.60 in your pay packet and $388.00 in Super contributions from your employer. Well worth the effort.
This STI classification provides recognition to teachers who are four or five years trained who have completed 12 months service at Step 13. To be eligible for reclassification as an STI, the teacher must be assessed as highly skilled and competent according to three criteria set out in the agreement.
So if you are currently at Step 13, and have undertaken tertiary study or inservice and are professionally involved, speak with the IEU Rep or IEU Organiser for your school or ask the school bursar to find out how and when you can submit your application.