Newly arrived 2015 exchange teachers and a few recently returned came together in February for the ‘official’ IEU/Department of Education and Communities Welcome Reception held at the Department’s office.
Exchangees had a chance to swap stories, ask questions and soak up the tips offered by IEU Exchange Coordinator Helen Gregory.
IEU Assistant Secretary Mark Northam gave them an introduction to the industrial agenda and the recent changes to Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) and the new Working With Children Check.
Applications are still being taken for next year. Some top exchange positions for 2016 will be posted on the IEU’s website, and our Facebook page shortly. Read exchange testimonials like this one:
“Our exchange with the Andress family was totally amazing – the best family experience I can imagine. We would go back to Canada tomorrow if we could. I consider myself very fortunate to get the exchange with Tom – an amazing house, we exchanged cars with no major incidents and the school and courses I taught suited be perfectly. I felt like I was on holiday even when going to work. Thank you for your role in allowing this to happen.”
Tony Burgess
To apply for an exchange next year or to discuss the program, contact Helen on 8202 8900 or email with a brief profile.