
To go in the draw, email entries to with the title of the book you would like to receive in the subject line. Write your name, membership number and postal address in the body of your email. All entries must be received by 23 July 2024.

A Room Made of Leaves

Author: Kate Grenville
Publisher: Text Publishing

What if Elizabeth Macarthur, wife of the notorious John Macarthur, wool baron in the earliest days of Sydney, had written a shockingly frank secret memoir? And what if novelist Kate Grenville had miraculously found and published it?

A Room Made of Leaves is set in the past, but it’s just as much about the present, where lies have the dangerous power to shape reality. This book is historical fiction turned inside out, a stunning sleight of hand by one of our most original writers.

The Adventures of Catvinkle

Author Elliott Perlman
Illustrator: Laura Stitzel
Publisher: Puffin Books

When a pampered cat has to share her home with a lost dog, sparks are set to fly. To her surprise, Catvinkle starts to like Ula. She even tells Ula her three secrets. But a cat and a dog can’t be friends – can they?

A tailspin of a tale that will make you howl with laughter – and remind you that if you aren’t open to adventure, you might never meet your best friend in production.

Jandamarra and the Bunuba Resistance

Authors: Banjo Woorunmurra and Howard Pedersen
Publisher: Magabala Books

The true story of the Aboriginal resistance fighter, Jandamarra, whose legend is etched into the Australian landscape. Set in the Kimberley outback during the
late nineteenth century, the last stage of Australia’s invasion is played out in the lands of the Bunuba people. Leases are marked across Aboriginal country and, amid the chaos and turmoil, extraordinary and sometimes contradictory relationships develop. A powerful collaboration between a non-Indigenous historian and the Indigenous custodians of the Jandamarra story.