Preschools are in crisis. Teachers are leaving and workload is increasing while pay is stagnant. You deserve better.
To secure the sector and strive for a better future, we need the NSW Government to fund our community preschools properly.The IEU is taking the lead.
We are planning to use the new workplace laws to bring the sector together to campaign for better salaries and conditions.
How new laws offer a real opportunity
New industrial relations laws mean we can bargain for one multi-employer enterprise agreement to apply to almost all preschools across NSW.
We can also demand the NSW Government fund the pay rises and conditions you need in your preschool.
We need you!
We are calling for expressions of interest from our members to become ambassadors to champion our campaign.
You’ll play a vital role in shaping the future of preschool education by participating in bargaining and campaigning efforts.
We will also be sponsoring some members to attend our campaign launch by assisting with travel costs and providing release support (please note, funded places are limited).
Even if you can’t come to our campaign launch, let us know if you are interested in being involved in the campaign so we can keep in touch.