Update your details
As we near the end of Term 1 we urge you to ensure the contact details we have for you are correct.
Our annual membership update is in full swing so you may have already updated your details with the rep in your workplace. If not please go to www.ieu.asn.au/member-portalthen click the “My Account” tab to check and update your details if needed.
It is essential we have up-to-date information for you, so we can stay connected with bargaining and campaign information that relates to your sector, as well as information about voting in union elections.
Calling all reps
This year we offer reps of chapters that have five or more members a thank you gift of a technology pouch, security tag holder and pen (pictured).
We urge all reps to return your chapter update so you don’t miss out – stocks are limited. Updating is easy – just click on the link in the email we’ve already sent you.
We know how busy you are, and we thank all reps and members for your support in keeping your details up to date.
Accurate information is vital so we can keep you informed about how your union is working for you.
We look forward to working with you in 2024.
Membership Team