Professional Development
In Term 1, the IEU will run four two-hour Behaviour Matters courses presented by David Vinegrad. The first three sessions have already been accredited by NESA, with the final session submitted for accreditation.
All four Behaviour Matters course have been accredited by the Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) in the ACT. Members from the ACT should check our website for additional dates – or email to secure your place.
The union is negotiating additional accredited courses with the Centre for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA) as well as looking at developing sessions on student anxiety.
The first accredited Behaviour Matters course will be held online on 15 February 5-7pm. Register on our website or email
Accreditation extension
On 18 January we advised members that NESA has provided a further extension for all teachers due in Term 1.
NESA previously granted extensions to teachers who were overdue or due to meet accreditation requirements in Term 4, 2021 until 4 March 2022.
To help teachers focus on teaching and learning under the challenging covid situation, NESA has updated its advice on accreditation extensions.
All teachers who are overdue or due to complete accreditation requirements in Term 1 or Term 2, 2022 now have an extension until the end of week 10, Term 2, 2022 (1 July 2022). If you can complete your accreditation requirements before 1 July 2022 we encourage you to do so.
A teacher’s initial due date will remain the same in their NESA online account (eTAMS) despite an extension being granted.
NESA has communicated this extension to eligible teachers, principals, early childhood services and Teacher Accreditation Authorities. The advice is also available on NESA’s COVID advice page.
Other teachers who are concerned about completing Proficient Teacher accreditation or maintenance requirements can apply for an extension.
This advice does not apply to pre-2004 teachers who were deemed Proficient on 1 January 2018. We will be providing further details for these teachers in upcoming editions of Newsmonth.
Working with Children Check
The IEU strongly encourages members to act promptlyon receiving a reminder to renew their Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance. Delays in the process can be significant.
If teachers don’t provide the renewed clearance number before the expiry date their accreditation can be suspended. The Office of the Children’s Guardian notifies teachers of the impending expiry of their WWCC clearance at least three months before the due date. NESA’s website states:
“You should renew your WWCC clearance with the NSW Office of Children’s Guardian (OCG) three months before expiry to allow time for approval.
“If you do not renew at least three weeks before expiry, your accreditation to teach is at risk of being suspended. This means you will not be able to teach in any NSW school or early childhood service.
“An application number (APP number) is not a clearance and cannot be used for accreditation under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004.
You cannot use clearances from other Australian states and territories.”
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
The IEU has made big gains in reducing workloads. We've mailed informational posters to Reps, and we urge you to read the special 4-page liftout in March Newsmonth.