A big thank you to more than 250 casual and extended casual members who contacted us to participate in the three-month COVID fee exemption. Thank you for your kind words, good humour and gratitude. We sincerely hope the exemption helps during these uncertain times.
Just another reminder that union fees are tax deductible. If you are paying via payroll deductions your union dues will be included on your payment summary issued by your employer and accessible via your MyGov account. For those members paying via credit card, direct debit or BPAY, please email membership@ieu.asn.au to seek a statement for the 2020-2021 financial year.
As we move into the final term of what has been another tumultuous year, we will email a renewal notice for 2022 to all members in mid-November. If there are changes for you in 2022, please return the renewal or advise us via email: membership@ieu.asn.au
If you are already aware of the change you can advise us now via email. If you are currently on an automatic payment, this will continue into 2022 unless you advise us otherwise.
Thank you for your support and take care.
Membership Team: Jody Clifford and Syeda Sultana; phone 8202 8900 (press 1)