We are almost to the end of Term 2. What a busy time of the year. Parent teacher interviews, report writing, semester reports, staff meetings, faculty meetings, lesson preparation and delivery and the list just keeps getting longer. We all deserve a break and one we must enjoy.
Teachers and support staff are continually being asked to do more and more, no questions asked, and we seldom say no. But I think the time has come that we all take a stance and start to say that word ‘no’.
Does anyone in your school ask you on a regular basis ‘Are you okay, how are you going? Is there anything I can do for you’? So much effort and time is devoted to the wellbeing of our students, and I am not doubting their needs. However, staff members may also be going through hard times both medically and emotionally, and often pushing themselves to go to school each day, with no support offered.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and overworked, you are not alone. Reach out to your colleagues, seek assistance and let people know how you are feeling. We all know that we do not cope well when we are not in peak condition. We must look after ourselves and those around us, so let’s be kind to each other and show a little compassion.
Sub branch meetings have been held recently and in most sub branches attendances have been positive. However, there are some Sydney sub branches that have poor attendances. I urge all reps and chapter members to ask your organiser when the Term 3 meetings will be held and make it a priority to attend your meeting. You will be welcomed and it’s a good avenue to voice your thoughts and concerns. There is power in numbers.
During Term 3, several IEU conferences will be held, fingers crossed. The support staff and early childhood conferences will take place in Sydney while the environment events are earmarked for two regional venues and one in the city. These events will fill up quickly as the topics are amazing. Check this issue of Newsmonth for details and visit the IEU’s website and Facebook page to get the latest news on the conferences and other events
Enjoy your break, relax and take time for yourself.