Are you interested in becoming more active in the IEU? The IEU is calling for nominations for the Early Childhood Services (ECS) Council from ECS members.
The role of the ECS Council is to provide advice and guidance to the IEU Executive and IEU Council on submissions, policies and other issues relevant to members employed in early childhood services.
ECS Council meets four times a year in Sydney, usually on Fridays. The IEU covers the cost of employing a relief teacher to enable councillors to attend meetings. The IEU also covers travel and accommodation for councillors from regional and remote areas.
Members of ECS Council advise the union on issues of importance to early childhood members. Councillors assist the union to inform and develop submissions on a wide range of industrial and professional issues. The union regularly makes submissions to federal and state/territory governments and provides responses to sector consultations, such as regulatory impact statements. ECS Council is composed of eight members plus the ECS Vice President.
ECS members elect councillors from the following areas:
- Three members are elected by and from the sub branches of Metropolitan East, Ku-ring-gai, Landsdowne, Central Metropolitan, Northern Suburbs, Northern Beaches, Penrith-Blue Mountains, Southern Suburbs, and Cumberland.
- One member is elected by and from the sub branch of the South Coast.
- One member is elected by and from the sub branches of the Hunter Valley and Central Coast
- Three members are elected by and from the sub-branches of the Central West, South East, Mid-North Coast, North Coast, Riverina and North West.
If you are interested in standing for ECS Council please phone Joanna Kotsakis or Maria Nestoras on 8202 8900 to request a nomination form.
Nominations open on 15 June 2021 and close on 15 July 2021.
Elections, if required, will be held in Term 4, 2021.