As teachers, we are surrounded by negativity: all social ills are supposedly fixable by schools.
It seems we are being bombarded from all sides on our professionalism. Teachers are not being promoted as professionals by our employers and government and therefore the community. We are being told what to teach and how to teach by individuals and organisations who are not actively involved in daily engagement with students, schools and communities.
We have had our PD options reduced to a political agenda that doesn’t reflect the needs of schools or teachers. We have One Nation’s Parental Rights Bill, currently before the NSW Parliament, over-ruling the NESA syllabus and impacting on the professional judgement of teachers for their students. We have variations in the collection of data across multiple platforms that puts significant pressure on teachers to spend more time entering data than actually teaching.
However, as I visit schools, speak to colleagues, other teachers and support staff, I am profoundly proud of their work, skills, expertise, and how they care for their students and their communities.
The IEU is deeply engaged in the political agenda: we challenge the negative voices towards teachers and teaching; we promote great stories in the education sector; we’re your voice against injustice and ignorance.
I encourage you to read up on the all the stories in this issue of Newsmonth and be encouraged by the work of your union. Check that your colleagues are members and invite them to join us and become proactive on the issues that impact on our work.
Stay strong. Stay union.