Workload issues hot topic

Chris Wilkinson

Since attending several sub branch meetings, it is apparent that workload issues are topping the conversation, followed by the continued demands of data collection of every type. Teaching time is becoming a real problem when these extra demands are placed on teachers.

For teachers of VET, surveys and more surveys and then surveying the results and commenting on why the students have responded the way they did, are an issue.

We would all embrace the chance to just teach without all the unnecessary extras imposed on teaching staff.

I am sure everyone has recovered from the recent NAPLAN test – some went smoothly while others suffered through the few days. Teachers are also stressed during this process, hoping that it goes without any hiccups.

Congratulations to all of our wonderful support staff members who recently celebrated Support Staff Day. These dedicated people dealing with students with special needs, assisting with preparation of resources, personal needs of students and just being there on a daily basis makes life much brighter. Thank you for all that you do by supporting teaching staff and students.

It is that time of year again when exams are being held and reports written. Parent teacher nights, student and parent interviews and subject selection and information nights are on the calendar. Good luck with all these extras asked of you.

Only two weeks until the end of term, hang in there, keep smiling, stay positive and we will be rewarded with a well earned two week break. Hard to believe that half of 2019 is behind us.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with and for you.