IEU and NSW Teachers Federation have signed off on the final agreement to remunerate teachers for their professional involvement with students enrolled in Initial Teacher Education (ITE).
Seventeen NSW providers offering ITE have entered into the arrangement which will see the daily rate lift from $30 per day to $34 within two years. This 13.3% increase brings the weekly rate to $170 and goes part way towards rewarding teachers for the commitment they give to their profession.
Significant details of the agreement were included in the previous Newsmonth, however it is worth noting the 2019 rate of $31.50 is currently payable. Also, notable has been the professional spirit with which the deans of education under the leadership of Professor John Fischetti (University of Newcastle) and Professor Michele Simons (Western Sydney University) have participated in these negotiations.
It is clearly the view of the deans that the active engagement of our members, experienced teachers, is essential to a successful partnership. The unions and the deans of education have forged a useful and significant relationship which goes well beyond determining rates of pay.
The professional experience program will form a significant part of ongoing professional development for our members and further discussion is intended between us on Teacher Performance and Assessment (TPA) with a view to harmonising the process of assessing students during the practical component of their Initial Teacher Education.
For our part we need to respect the relationship and not allow either the rates of pay or the professional dialogue to be undermined by ITE Institutions from interstate who are not part of the agreement attempting to place their students in NSW schools under lesser conditions.