Teachers working in a mobile or occasional care services must now be accredited by NESA, the same as their colleagues in preschools and long day care services.
The NSW Government has recently aligned The Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011 with the Education and Care Services National Law 2010 so that teachers working in these services are now required to be accredited with NESA.
IEU has been raising this issue with both the government and NESA to ensure that teachers working in mobiles and occasional care centres are accredited in the same way as teachers in other types of services or in schools.
Many mobile or occasional care teachers have already registered with NESA and have put their accreditation on hold until they were required to be accredited.
If you have not done so, you need to re-activate your accreditation. For teachers that are applying for accreditation for the first time, you will need to first gain accreditation at provisional level and then work towards Proficient teacher accreditation.
Teachers employed in mobiles and occasional care centres should contact NESA on 1300 739 338 or ECTaccreditation@nesa.nsw.gov.au to check their status.
Once registered, teachers will have to maintain their registration through professional development.
If you are in the process of maintaining your accreditation you can access PD courses through Teacher Learning Network (tln.org.au) as part of your membership. IEU also runs a number of accredited PD courses.
Early intervention teachers still cannot be accredited with NESA. The IEU will continue to lobby NESA and the NSW Government to ensure these teachers are accredited by NESA.
If you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to contact the IEU.
Uniting Care
IEU has commenced bargaining for a new agreement – Uniting Care Early Learning NSW & ACT Enterprise Agreement to replace the current agreement which has now expired.
The Union will be seeking improved wages and conditions in the new agreement.
More than meets the eye
Registrations for the annual ECS conference on Saturday, 7 September will open shortly. There will be a number of outstanding addresses at the conference including:
Sarah Moore – Invisible Leadership
ERO case – Update
Teacher Accreditation – Update
The Early Education Show – live with Lisa Bryant, Leanne Gibbs and Liam Nicholas.
Participants can also attend a number of workshops and receive NESA registered hours. The conference will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person. See www.ieu.asn.au