The Central West Sub Branch includes Dubbo, Bathurst, Orange and Lithgow, as well as Cowra, Mudgee, Parkes, Forbes, Grenfell and Wilcannia.
The Term 3 Central West Sub Branch Meeting was held in Dubbo, with support staff and teachers from early childhood centres, Catholic systemic schools and Independent schools all represented.
Karen Andriske gave the Acknowledgement of Country; Branch President Louise Hughes welcomed everyone including IEUA NSW/ACT Branch President Chris Wilkinson, who joined via Zoom, and Deputy Secretary Carol Matthews (in person).
Congratulations were extended to the newly elected Council delegates:
Louise Hughes, St John’s College Dubbo
Cassie Barnes, St Raphael’s Central School Cowra
Nicole Downey, St Mary’s Primary School Orange
Karen Andriske, St John’s College Dubbo
Peter Nunn, St Lawrence’s Primary School Forbes
Geoff Hayward, Scots All Saints Bathurst
Reps across all sectors expressed concern about ever-increasing workloads and welcomed the union’s survey about teacher shortages and their impact.
The meeting endorsed a motion to Executive and Council in support of a “Yes” vote in the upcoming referendum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders to have a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution.
It was reported that Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst (CEDB) had failed to adopt the amended Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) reporting requirements. Members are being asked to disregard the Fact Sheet developed by the IEU and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) and continue with the onerous methods provided by CEDB consultants.
Members from Catholic systemic schools were disappointed and irritated by the lack of progress in the centralised enterprise agreement negotiations and the local negotiations for the Work Practices Agreement. The employers have stalled, having not agreed to meet with the union since mid-June; the union has provided a Draft WPA but CEDB has so far not responded.
Discussion followed on the current WPA and procedures for ensuring compliance with extras and class sizes.
A motion was endorsed for the union to negotiate with NESA for the suspension of PD requirements for 12 months, given the teacher shortages and ensuing increased workloads.
The meeting decided to encourage the wearing of campaign t-shirts on Thursdays (“T-shirt Thursday”) until the EA is finalised. It was also suggested that other sub branches might like to choose different days to ensure every day of the week was covered.
Members expressed their thanks to IEU officers and staff for their tireless efforts in the Catholic systemic campaign.