The IEU thanks its principal members for their great support for principals’ activities during the past year and wishes them and their school communities every success for 2018. Principals’ active engagement in Principals’ Sub Branch and/or various regional events was greatly appreciated in 2017, as was principals’ collegial advocacy and practical support for their principal colleagues.
For principals in Catholic systemic schools, enterprise agreements (EAs) were achieved in 2017 for principals in the Sydney Archdiocese and for those in the other 10 dioceses. Principals’ understanding during the current EA campaign for teachers and general employees is also acknowledged and the Union is aware of the conflicted loyalties which principals can sometimes feel during industrial disputes.
After the resounding ‘no’ vote to the non Union endorsed EA, bargaining recommenced in December and further negotiations are occurring early in Term 1, with the hope of a prompt and positive resolution. (Sincere thanks to IEU Deputy Secretary Gloria Taylor for her comprehensive update on the systemic EA campaign at the November Term 4 Principals’ Sub Branch meeting.)
In the independent sector, the IEU will continue to support principal members regarding their remuneration and conditions and in dealing with school governance issues which sometimes arise in relation to school boards or parent groups. The Union greatly values the membership and contribution of principals across the diverse sectors covered by the IEU, including in a range of faith based settings and in the special needs sector such as Aspect (autism spectrum) schools.
Principals’ safety, health and wellbeing is a high Union priority, as for all members, and the IEU will continue to support the Teachers Health/ACU annual surveys and associated research. Input from Teachers Health at the Principals’ Sub Branch meeting on 4 November was valued by the principals present.
In 2018 the Principals Sub Branch AGM will be held on Saturday 10 February at the IEU’s Parramatta office. A representative of NGS Super will be present at that meeting. Other Principals’ Sub Branch meetings are planned for 5 May, 4 August and 3 November. The IEU will also continue to produce Headlines enews for school leaders and warmly welcomes input by principals.