Pay rises: Great way to start the year

Most IEU school based members will experience a pay rise in January or February 2016. These are due to general increases in pay rates in enterprise agreements negotiated by the Union on their behalf (pay rises for others will be later in the year). Members may also get a pay rise from a movement in their salary step or band.

The general increases in pay rates from the beginning of the year include the following:

NSW Catholic diocesan schools: teachers and support staff, 2.5% from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 January 2016.

ACT Catholic diocesan schools: support staff 2.5% from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 January 2016 (teachers’ pay increases will be from the first pay period after 1 April).

NSW Association of Independent Schools (AIS): teachers and support staff, 2.3% from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2016 (in AIS standards schools, movement to the next band for teachers also occurs from this date). A further 0.2% one off payment is due from 1 July 2016.

ACT AIS: for teachers it’s the same as for NSW AIS independent schools and support staff. The Union is currently negotiating these increases.

NSW Catholic independent schools: teachers, varying increases between 2.25% and 2.5% from the start of the first pay period on or after 1 January or 1 February and for support staff, 2.5% from the first full pay period on or after 29 January 2016.

NSW Christian schools: teachers, increases of either 2% or 2.25% from the start of the first pay period on or after 1 February and for support staff, the Union is currently negotiating these increases.

In 2015 wages in Australia rose by an average of 2.5% overall; wages in the private sector rose by 2.1% and in the public sector 2.7%. The rate of inflation is 1.5%.

Do not hesitate to call your Union organiser if you have any queries about these increases. Pay scales and the full text of the enterprise agreements are available on the IEU website .

Carol Matthews
Assistant Secretary