Term 2:
6 May PIP: Work Hoarse – Voice Care, Dee Why
9 May: IEU & UNSW present: De-Mystifying Accreditation, Kensington
11 May: TeachMeet: Sustainability, Lismore
16 May: Mathematical Association of NSW: Stepping Outside the Square, Wollongong
21 – 22 May: Securing Our Future Conference, Ultimo
23 May: English Teachers’ Association NSW: Teaching English Studies, venue TBC
23 May: Science Teachers’ Association NSW: Meet the Markers, Kensington
26 May: English Teachers’ Association NSW: Leadership in English Faculties, Webinar
1 Jun: PIP: Anti-Social Media, Liverpool
10 June PIP: Anti-Social Media, Dee Why
12 Jun: Science Teachers’ Association NSW: Chemistry Teachers’ Conference, Kensington
21 Jul: English Teachers’ Association NSW: Leadership in English Faculties, Webinar
29 Jun: Accreditation at Proficient Workshop, Ultimo
3 Jul: Starting Strong, Ultimo
Term 3
Wk 6: 17 Aug – 21 Aug
21 Aug: Support Staff Conference, Ultimo
Wk 7: 24 Aug – 28 Aug
29 Aug: Early Childhood Sector Conference, Ultimo
Term 4
Wk 2: 12 Oct – 16 Oct
16 Oct: Environment Conference, Ultimo
Various locations in NSW/ACT
Pedagogy in the Pub (PIP)
Various locations through NSW/ACT.
Topics include:
Anti-Social Media
Dealing with Difficult People
Maintenance of Accreditation at Proficient
Work Hoarse: Voice Care
An Indigenous Perspective