An important element in the final stages of discussions with Catholic employers has been the IEU’s long-held view that the transition of the pre-2004 workforce into BOSTES on 1 January, 2018 is a significant matter which must be clearly agreed upon.
The ‘recognition’ process will be the subject of an exchange of letters with a view to ensuring common experience across the various Catholic dioceses. The transition should involve completed initial teacher education qualifications, the possession of a current Working with Children Check and no grievance matters linked to the capacity to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers being in play. A seamless transition to standards based processes should be the goal for both unions and employers.
A complexity in the process is the intersection of BOSTES requirements with those of AITSL (the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership). The IEU believes that a model involving goal setting, planning to undertake appropriate professional development in tandem with professional reflection and opportunities to engage in supported observations of teacher selected peers makes for an authentic process.
The IEU will be seeking a commonality of understanding and further discussions with the 11 Catholic dioceses to ensure that the intent of BOSTES and AITSL is not submerged in processes which detract from teaching and learning rather than processes which are collaborative, formative and developmental in nature. Importantly the evidence to be utilised should grow from the everyday work of teachers.