IEU team ready to help you

Have your membership number ready whenever you call the IEU. You are never a number to us, but having your membership number ready enables us to provide you with a much quicker and more efficient service.

The IEU’s membership team consists of a diverse and interesting group of people who share a common desire to provide teachers and support staff with the best service.

Newest recruit Thomas Young is undertaking a Masters degree in Not for Profit and Social Enterprises. He has previous experience with the United Services Union in membership and has taught English overseas.

He would love to combine his studies and experience and stay with the union movement or an associated organisation.

“Who else is going to give people a voice and look out for workers’ welfare?” Thomas said.

Winnie Njoroge is also a newcomer to the membership team, having previously worked for the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Winnie enjoys being part of the team and assisting members with queries.

Maria Nestoras joined the team 18 months ago after being a full time mum.

She said she has learnt a lot since joining the IEU and really enjoys the “human side” of the job.

“Speaking to members from all different walks of life is really great,” she said.

Syeda Sultana has been with membership for five years. She was a primary school teacher in her native Bangladesh, so relating to teachers’ needs is not a problem for her.

“I understand how busy teachers are and how hard it is to get things done when you are in the classroom all day.

“That’s why we are moving over to a paperless system. It’s better for the planet and its better for our members. We will be sending out email notifications instead of letters getting people to renew their membership and update their details.”

Jody Clifford has worked for the IEU for 21 years, although only for about the last two years in the membership department.

“We do good things here that’s why I like to work at the IEU. We are here to help people, and they can always reach us by email if they can’t call us. We check our emails every day.

“It’s crucial we have the most up to date details for all our members.”

Any queries email

Voice of the IEU

New receptionist Louise Benson has a real affinity for people. With 10 years experience in nursing, she knows all about lending a helping hand. Louise has also worked in administrative and client related services for over 15 years.

Becoming the IEU’s receptionist and the first voice people hear when they are looking for help suits her, as she understands how hard it is for teachers and support staff.

“I think there are similarities between nurses and teachers, and I appreciate how problems at work affect the whole family.

“I like to hear people’s different stories and try to assist as best I can, although of course I have to be quick too.

‘There’s always something happening at reception, and it’s great when I get to meet members in person.”