NGS Super

Dedicated to the Dedicated Awards open for applications

Applications are now open for the seventh annual NGS Super Dedicated to the Dedicated Awards for 2016.

NGS Super is continuing to support the Australian independent education sector by offering up to six $5000 scholarships to existing members working in non government education.

With a focus on nurturing development, these scholarships allow successful applicants to undertake a professional development course, project or study tour of their choosing.

Scholarships are awarded to teaching, support staff and management staff of non government schools, with winners determined by NGS Super’s panel of directors.

Anthony Rodwell-Ball, CEO of NGS Super, said successful applicants will demonstrate how the award will provide a tangible contribution to the education sector and how they will share the knowledge gained from the project, course or study tour.

“We believe in our members and we have a vested interest in their personal and professional development. We want to help those visionaries who strive for change in the industry, but don’t have the funds or beginning blocks to implement it.”

One of the six winners from 2015, Patrick Kelly from St Patrick’s Technical College in South Australia, used his award to investigate the UK’s recipe for vocational education and training success, giving him the opportunity to get a wider perspective on local issues.

“I was able to visit University Technical Colleges (UTCs), a university, further education colleges, a recruitment firm, a major employer and an educational foundation all in a three week study tour of the UK,” Patrick said.

While St Patrick’s already teaches skills like communication, teamwork and resilience, Patrick says the UK experience showed him what can be achieved by taking these ‘soft skills’ from “three to four lessons a week to an all pervading part of what the school does.”

“When I now go and talk to the industry here I can now show them a successful model. If they hear of the successful experiences of big organisations in a huge marketplace like the UK, they may be a little more relaxed about engaging with the schooling sector.”

Applications are open until Sunday 17 July 2016, with all winners to be announced on Friday 30 September 2016.

If you are an NGS Super member and working in management, teaching or in a support staff position for a non government school, you can apply for the 2016 NGS Super Dedicated to the Dedicated Awards by visiting the NGS Super website