Jacob Betts
St Francis Xavier College, Florey
Jacob Betts is the Science Coordinator at St Francis Xavier College, Florey, in the ACT, where he also teaches human biology. He’s been the IEU rep at the school for more than two years.
Unions run in Jacob’s blood. His father was Neville Betts, former organiser and Assistant Secretary of the Electrical Trades Union. On Neville’s passing in 2021, Labor MP David Smith, member for Bean in the ACT, paid tribute to him in Parliament: “Neville was the ETU organiser on the Parliament House site during its construction. He was loved by delegates, members and officials across the Labor movement.”
Jacob is proud of this family history. “My father was a union delegate for 30-something years, and an organiser, and he became Assistant Secretary of the ETU. So for me, being a rep aligns really well with how I was brought up. When I became a member, Dad messaged me and said, ‘welcome brother’. And I’m like, ‘my father just called me brother’.”
Strengthening the chapter at his school is front of Jacob’s mind. “That’s something we’re working on at the moment – I’ve started by recruiting more reps, and now we’re all starting to work on membership,” he said.
“It’s really about educating people to know what we’ve accomplished so far as a union. Like, even my old man used to say the same thing about unions in general – you know, we didn’t have overtime or paid maternity leave, and because we might live in a more comfortable time now, we can tend to forget where we’ve come from and how important the union movement is. So, yeah, it’s in my blood.
“That 70th anniversary issue of Newsmonth which has the spread of IEU history, I think is really powerful, and I can’t wait to whack it up on the notice board.”
Jacob has a simple reason for having joined the IEU. “I’m a union member because I care about workers – that’s about it, really,” he said.
“Unions, to me, really represent the working class, and we’re encompassing a lot of the middle class now too – we’re the heart and soul of most industries. Without us, everything collapses, and we get disadvantaged. So we need to look after each other.”