A big thank you to those chapter representatives who returned their membership update. You should have received your power bank and multi device cord by now as a small gesture of our gratitude for your efforts in completing the update. If you have returned the update and are yet to receive the power bank, please contact your IEU organiser.
We only have a limited number of available so if you haven’t completed and returned the update please do so quickly.
The update process ensures we retain the correct data for members in your chapter. This is useful to members for voting and election eligibility purposes, it helps to ensure they are not overcharged and allows us to keep them informed on issues that relate to their chapter or sector.
We keep members up to date via email, text, and our website. If you have not been receiving correspondence from us, please make sure your contact details are up to date. If your circumstances have changed, or if you are unsure of your membership status or the contact details we hold for you, please contact us by phone (8202 8900 – press 1) or via email - membership@ieu.asn.au