Here we are at the end of 2021 and what a journey it's been! You all deserve to be congratulated for the amazing effort with face-to-face teaching and home-based Zoom lessons.
Both teachers and students faced many obstacles and challenges along the way, whether it was technical problems, not enough devices to go around, anxiety or students missing lessons for all sorts of reasons, be it fires, floods or lockdowns.
Thoughts must go out to the Year 12 students whose HSC exam dates changed several times. It has been a very trying time for both teachers and students. They certainly deserve a great holiday at the completion of their 13 years of schooling.
A huge thank you goes to reps in Catholic systemic schools who have held chapter meetings to endorse the Catholic systemic schools claim.
I encourage reps in schools to meet with support staff to discuss the claim and the importance of joining the IEU. Support staff do an amazing job and are highly regarded by both students and teachers. You deserve to be paid well for the work you do. So, see what you can do to increase membership in your school.
It was a pleasure to join many sub branch meetings and listen to concerns that members are facing in their workplaces. There seems to be a common thread throughout primary, secondary, Catholic and independent schools. Strong union chapters can usually achieve promising outcomes for all members.
I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout this challenging year and your continued involvement in the IEU. We look forward to a more productive and settled 2022.
Enjoy your holiday break and I hope you can venture to new and exciting places or just relaxat home.
Stay safe and well. I look forward to working with you all again in the New Year.