1. Geraldine Holland, Assistant Principal at St Anne’s, Temora, receives her 30 year badge from Organiser Berna Simpson
2. Organiser Richard Ryan presents 30 year badges to two staff members Bev Champion and Stephen Humphries at St Mary’s College Casino, together with IEU Rep Michael Namrell. It was a well celebrated event, with the school providing morning tea for staff
3. Union members from Mother Teresa Harrison ACT provided information and insight into the National Disability Standards Review
4. Organiser Berna Simpson met up with members at Mumbula School Bega
5. At St Anthonys Primary School Kingscliff IEU’s Richard Ryan presents Assistant Principal Mick Kennedy with his 30 year badge, ably assisted by Rep Pat Tierney
6. Geoff Melville, receives his 30 year badge with Stella King and Principal Lindsay Luck
7. Organiser Berna Simpson with members at the Snowy Mountains Grammar Jindabyne
8. Chapter Rep Dianne Lefebvre from Radford College Bruce in the ACT chairing an online chapter meeting
9. Organiser Jackie Groom presents a 30 year badge to Geoff Hayward, at Scots All Saints Bathurst together with members Simon Dundon, Glen Field and Fiona Hayward
10. Learning support teachers from St Thomas Aquinas Charnwood, ACT, participated in the National Disability Standards Review giving their valuable insights to the union submission
11. At St Mary’s Primary School Casino, members Anne Ross and Karen McDonald receive their union badges from Richard Ryan. Anne has been a member for 35 years and Karen for 36 years